second chance?
Name: o0flinty
My Ban ID: 49905
Banned by:[FL] fultz
Reason: spawn kiling
Who was involved: - the real ryan
Why I should get unbanned:
i enjoy playing on your server and have put 70 hours in in the last 2 weeks i know what i did was wrong but the other guy in question broke fear rp when i had a gun pointed at him and told him to place some pots he kept saying its against the rules to do that but it doesn't say anywhere in the rules that you cant fear rp someone into placing pots so i killed him and got angry because he had broken fear rp wich happens to me quite alot and since there were no admins on the server at the time i made a stupid decision to spawn kill him for breaking rp i was already in a bad mood due to being mass rdmd and random raided by the corleones an hour earlier to this incident and the recent sky rocket in rule breakers so without admins on on a regular basis i felt like it was just going to go unnoticed thats why i made the stupid decision to spawn kill him
even if you wont unban me can you atleast lower the ban time ive seen other players like jakey9lives prop block on numerous occasions and hes got away with it and it feels somewhat unfair to be banned for a whole month just because someone broke fear rp but i would like a second chance
also i would like to kno why the admin who banned me did so so quickly because no br was made and i was banned whilst still on the server the admin didnt even get on to hear my side of the story

Messages In This Thread
second chance? - by james standen - 06-17-2014, 03:02 PM
RE: unbanning - by Temar - 06-17-2014, 03:42 PM
RE: second chance? - by ryan! - 06-19-2014, 05:35 PM
RE: second chance? - by james standen - 06-19-2014, 06:22 PM
RE: second chance? - by Fultz - 06-20-2014, 06:25 PM

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