UnBlacklist - RDMing and killing a cop for no valid reason
Please don't forget to add that you've killed an unarmed cop!
The cop did not attack you.

Therefore its RDM. You don't kill/attack an unarmed cop.

Here the evidence (damage logs - which is why I blacklisted you/your friends):

[Image: 87f58d8710.jpg]

(06-16-2014, 09:39 PM)Alluzi Wrote: It was just a matter of pure coincidence that It was my crowbar which killed him. And remember that I had absolutely no interest of killing that cop, I was just trying to keep him distance from my friend so he could escape. And as you respectable Fearless veterans know, Crowbar does so minimal damage that I couldnt have even imaginated that it would be lethal. These kind of accidents are just a humane mistakes and could happen to anyone.[/b]

Let me get this straight. It doesn't matter whether you killed him with a gun or with a crowbar. You attacked him - Thats it.

(06-16-2014, 09:39 PM)Alluzi Wrote: And remember that I had absolutely no interest of killing that cop, I was just trying to keep him distance from my friend so he could escape.

But you had the intention to attack him. And you did.

### Requesting statement from the cop (Mikkel [DK])

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RE: UnBlacklist - RDMing and killing a cop for no valid reason - by Burnett - 06-17-2014, 12:43 AM

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