BR on FL:RP | Greed^
Name of player: FL:RP | GreeD^

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:41161698

Time in GMT: I can't remember exactly when, but it was around 19:25

Server: V33x

Summary: Well, someone was playing music and he just said "Women are stupid and I don't respect them" in LOOC.

Evidence: [Image: EuJueBx.jpg?1]

Messages In This Thread
BR on FL:RP | Greed^ - by Chech - 06-14-2014, 06:31 PM
RE: BR on FL:RP | Greed^ - by Greed^ - 06-14-2014, 08:16 PM
RE: BR on FL:RP | Greed^ - by Chech - 06-14-2014, 10:12 PM
RE: BR on FL:RP | Greed^ - by Centurion - 06-15-2014, 01:05 PM
RE: BR on FL:RP | Greed^ - by Chech - 06-15-2014, 02:17 PM
RE: BR on FL:RP | Greed^ - by Enzyme - 06-15-2014, 05:41 PM

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