Turtle Burgers unban request
Your name: Turtle Burgers

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:36594519

Banning Admin: [FL] Shark

Ban Length: Permanent

Reason for the ban: The first ban was this:
(ban lifted before expired) Nice going there, I\'ll take that personally.
Retort: I only got banned one time and didn't get to play after so I don't really understand how my ban ever got lifted?
The second banToungeropusshing, Terrorist/ racist jokes. Enjoy the perm.
Retort: I only prop pushed once as a cab driver because after dropping off a doctor "who sounded like a little kid" he got in my car and than attempted to run me over and drive away. Also I never said anything racist, I did say I was a terrorist in ooc while I was in the elevator up to the Nexus foreshadowing my attempt to assassinate the mayor.
Why we should unban you: I have been playing gmod ever since the rp was waiting in line for rations and having to be stunsticked tied and physgunned into jail by cps whenever you committed a crime. :0

I generally only play on the severs that are unique and actually fun to play on, that's why I'd hate to be permanently banned from one of them.

Messages In This Thread
Turtle Burgers unban request - by Turtle Burgers - 07-27-2011, 12:19 PM
RE: Turtle Burgers unban request - by Shark - 07-27-2011, 12:43 PM
RE: Turtle Burgers unban request - by Shark - 07-27-2011, 02:30 PM

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