The Poem's Quest
Hey guys,

I found myself inspired today to do some poetry, as I felt that that was missing for quite some time. I love doing poetry and philosophy, but usually I never write anything down of it. You mostly find me doing so right before I get asleep etc, but since that was a long while ago I considered to restart my poetry.

Ok, enough background information, this is what this thread is all about. One writes a poem wich is based upon a keyword of the poem of another participant. I know this is unconventional to see on forums, but if there's some poets out here, they can show their poems. I'm wondering what the outcome will be. :p

I'll start with my new poem called 'Time'. Since that I translated it directly from Dutch and I reworked it to sound better in English and to be more fluent, I added the Dutch version too. An Italian proverb is "Translator? You traitor!" and I'll stick with that. So here we go:



Presence, that’s what she brings our lifes.
Her continuity,
Ready to establish,

She is the unifying part of the naturality.
However she pushes and obliterates,
However she changes, yet she respects the creatures of her land,
Finishing the never ending.

Cunning to choose,
Knowing to pass,
Unable to set her free.

Remembering that voice of mine, that once my time will come.
That time, accepted by every being
That time of the big sail.



Alomtegenwoordigheid, haar bijdrage aan het wezen,
Met haar continue zijn.
Bereidwillig uit te voeren,

Zij is het bindende aan de natuurlijkheid.
Doch ze afstoot en vernietigt,
Doch ze verandert, toch eerbiedigt,
Het eindeloze begrenzend.

Wetend te mogen kiezen,
Wetend te mogen geschieden,
Onmogelijk te laten vlieden.

Herinnerend zeg ik, dat mijn tijd ooit komt.
Die tijd door iedereen aanvaard,
Die tijd van de grote heenvaart.

Actually I considered posting this in the creativity forum, but since it's like a quest it belongs to the off-topic forum as well, at least that was my reasoning. So if this is the wrong place, I'm sorry.
© Nudelholz

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The Poem's Quest - by 7rozen_7ear_ - 07-26-2011, 06:03 PM

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