Is this a valid reason to kill someone? (Costed me a perm ban)
It can't really be RPed out since not both parties are RPing, one is minging. To draw a parallel, it's like saying you can RP it out that a propminge has a high-tech gravity manipulating device. In this case you have a player blocking the door and punching you if you try to pass, probably not even saying anything. You record that and post a ban request or you call an online staff member.

To clarify again, for some who may question my meaning: No, in this situation you are supposed to record the person in question or call an online staff member.

Answered and closed.

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RE: Is this a valid reason to kill someone? (Costed me a perm ban) - by DoomDude1 - 06-02-2014, 01:04 AM

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