Pakos ban appeal
Your name: In Real life: Max; Ingame: Clara Limos; Steam: Pakos (gregwalters12)

Your ban ID: 49214

Banned by: [FL] Infernaw

Reason: Disconnecting to avoid RP situation

Involved: 2 Officers. I don't know their names.

Why we should unban you: Well, first of all, my ban is for a duration of 1 day. It's not that much of a problem. However, I do feel that I should post an unban request, since I do not see the point of being banning for a legitimate reason.

Story: I asked in OOC how to change the color of my car. Infernaw answered me, so I went to the place he told me to go. When I arrived, I noticed 2 cops struggle with a tazed body. Apparently he had a friend that tried to save him and got tazed too. I parked my car at the gas station and was about to search something where I would be able to do a paintjob. Then moment I arrived, the cops decided to walk over to me (well I have to say, the tazed body woke up and ran towards my car). I was still confused about that "button" I had to search. The cops told me to back up my car. I backed it up a bit and choose to park it in a different slot. I then walked over to the tazed body (He used his mic to talk and told me to run him over with my car: I started to laugh, but said no) and looked at him. I then got tazed. I asked the officer in local OOC why I got tazed. Apparently he told me minutes before to not come near them. I felt like he treated me wrong, called an admin and waited. I was fed of those cops tazing everyone that comes near them. The admin, Infernaw, didn't tp to me. That totally pis*** me and I issued a disconnect. I decided to reconnect after some moments thought, since I wanted them punished.

Long story short I got banned for leaving an RP situation. But I was treated wrong and the admin didn't answer nor tp to the situation. So the players that actually broke a rule, are the people that got a loyal RPer banned. I don't think that I was treaten correctly. YES, I left the RP "situation", but NO I did not leave a "situation" that was hung out correctly. ... If I disconnect because someone is trying to propkill me, and I try to rejoin and realize im banned, is kind of the same.

Thanks for reading this topic. The guys that actually broke a rule, are still ingame and might repeat.

Doomdude1, why should I drop my attitude? What attitude?

Messages In This Thread
Pakos ban appeal - by Pakos - 05-29-2014, 07:30 PM
RE: Pakos ban appeal - by Pakos - 05-30-2014, 03:40 PM
RE: Pakos ban appeal - by DoomDude1 - 05-30-2014, 04:54 PM
RE: Pakos ban appeal - by Infernaw - 05-30-2014, 06:48 PM
RE: Pakos ban appeal - by Temar - 05-30-2014, 07:03 PM
RE: Pakos ban appeal - by Termin - 06-05-2014, 10:38 AM

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