Ban Request: CorporalCrunch and Bojicha - OOC Swore
Name of player(s): [GTS]CorporalCrunch - {RGN}bojicha

Corporal: STEAM_0:1:69993551
{RGN}bojicha: STEAM_0:0:36020221

Time in GMT: 20:17 - 20:20 Danish Time

Server: rp_evocity_v2d

Summary: Both of these guys swore in OOC by mostly using the F word. I warned both players to stop swearing. Bojicha got warned 3x times. Corporal got warned 1x times. Corporal believed that the rules stated that you could use swears in ooc, you could just not use them to insult or offend any players.

Even doe OOC Rule 9. Clearly states that you can't swear.

9. Do not swear, argue or insult in OOC. Don't write caps-locked messages


All of Bojicha's work.

[Image: hl22014-05-2919-50-09-64_zps64d7a378.jpg]

[Image: hl22014-05-2920-13-37-96_zpsbea3f7d4.jpg]

[Image: hl22014-05-2920-13-58-65_zpsd206e277.jpg]

[Image: hl22014-05-2920-14-20-24_zpse0c50fbd.jpg]

and then Corporal

[Image: hl22014-05-2920-16-32-58_zpsf1947ecf.jpg]

- Bowie R.

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request: CorporalCrunch and Bojicha - OOC Swore - by Bowiii - 05-29-2014, 06:31 PM

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