Ban Request: |2P| Twist3d Matrix
Let's address what you just said.
1.) Actually, yes. I am making you look like the bad guy, because you ARE. After you posted it, you happily shouted into OOC "BR on Twist3d done!," then stalked me around the city until I posted a reply to your ban request. I think you took too much joy in doing this and your anger is fueled by a grudge. As your quote says, "There is no glory in battle worth the blood it costs," in this case the glory being your triumph, and the blood being another Fearless member lost. To most, I'm just another member. Me gone won't make a difference. Heck, there's over 10,000 more just like me. To you, I'm the antichrist. You would risk life and limb (virtually), if it came to it, to have a sense of pride or superiority.
2.) I'm not trying to cloak what I did, as 4/5ths of the entire reply that I stated above was the reason behind me propclimbing. Did I say that I did it? Yes. Did I say that I apologize, and know what I did was wrong, even if it seemed like the better route at the time? Yes. Did I eventually do what was within the rules and suggested by other players? Yes.
3.) Those things that the ban request "Aren't about" make a crucial difference. The fact that you don't like me is a big deal, because that's the reason you keep persisting. Your arguments are fueled by anger. The president made a large difference, because he turned out to be the one who prop pushed my car, as I learned from other players when he chose the job (many people said "Oh no, the minge is the dictator," "the prop pusher is pres," etc.). Without knowing that it was prop pushed, I would never have went out surfing to find it, I would have just ran around until I gave up. And what others did to me makes somewhat of a significant difference, because they understood what I was doing after I explained, and they shed light on a better way to accomplish what I was originally going for.

What I did isn't nearly as severe as the other things going on the server at the time, such as NLR breaking, Prop killing/surfing, RDM, etc. You were just dead set on me, you didn't even bother to pay attention to anything else. What I did didn't hurt anyone, offend anyone, or even anger anyone (other than you). On top of that, it was justified and resolved. At this point, I would like to conclude this argument, as I have already covered all arguable points, and wait for an admin or staff member to decide my fate.

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request: |2P| Twist3d Matrix - by Theomenz - 05-24-2014, 05:39 AM
RE: Ban Request: |2P| Twist3d Matrix - by Matrix_ - 05-24-2014, 06:11 AM
RE: Ban Request: |2P| Twist3d Matrix - by Matrix_ - 05-24-2014, 06:56 AM
RE: Ban Request: |2P| Twist3d Matrix - by Termin - 05-24-2014, 08:56 AM

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