Ban Request: |2P| Twist3d Matrix
Well, I would like to start off by saying this: Theo.. just doesn't like me. At all. He absolutely hates me. I've tried to be in good relations with him, but he just uses his "superiorness" and acts like I'm a scrap of meat.

Anyways, with that over with, I would like to start on my side.
I was president. I hired a guy named [FL:RP] Zombieshooter47 as my secret service. He insisted I stay below nexus, so I stayed. When I came back up, a prop pusher (who later became president, I believe he is in the previous ban request) had strewn my new Ferrari (which I had only driven for 15 seconds before becoming president) atop a building (along with many others). Now, the server had crashed an hour or two prior to this, and my internet is not great (I live in the middle of East TN), so it took me 20 minutes to reconnect. If I were to reconnect, which in the end, I did, it would have taken longer time than I had left before I needed to go to bed (exams tommorrow) I let someone else have president (who turned out to be the prop pusher), changed to BMD, then went looking for my car. As I was on my search, I found at least 3 BMWs in one spot next to nexus on the roof, but, I ignored them because the owners might have wanted to take screenshots for ban requests. I moved on a little ways, near the buildings near BP. That is where I was tranq'd and shot by people yelling "minge!" I then explained myself, and they all understood. I then was told that a quick way to reconnect was to type "retry" into the console, and it cut my reconnect time by five minutes. I came back on, went for a ride in my new Ferrari with the latest President, participated in a game at a player-made casino. Then, Theo comes and posts a ban request on me (He killed the vibe). What I did was wrong, I apologize for prop climbing, and trust the judgement of whomever it may concern when it comes down to me and the banhammer, but I'm afraid it will be my final ban as I already have a few under my belt (unfortunatley). I genuinely love this server, as 80 hours of my 1123 on Garry's Mod were spent on here. For the first time in my life, I am pleading guilty, in a sort, but asking for forgiveness.

P.S. - If I'm going to be perma-banned, could whomever notify me so I could give my belongings out to people who need them? That would be great.

Well, Theo, chances are you won't have to deal with me, or whatever I do to aggravate you much longer. I hope you're happy.

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request: |2P| Twist3d Matrix - by Theomenz - 05-24-2014, 05:39 AM
RE: Ban Request: |2P| Twist3d Matrix - by Matrix_ - 05-24-2014, 06:11 AM
RE: Ban Request: |2P| Twist3d Matrix - by Matrix_ - 05-24-2014, 06:56 AM
RE: Ban Request: |2P| Twist3d Matrix - by Termin - 05-24-2014, 08:56 AM

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