[FL:RP] Kurdish Falcon
Hello, there.

I can see why you posted this ban request and I don't fully disagree with you. What can we say; we were deprived from the main server because of DDOS, and we were building a new clan base for UCN.

It was just a friendly and ongoing quiet war that me and JMR had. Nothing that affected any other players. I know that this is misuse of props, but it didn't hinder any RP as it was on the build server, and it had no negative repercussions for other players. The build server is completely out-of-character, and we simply messed about for a little bit as a joke.

I'm hopeful that this won't materialise in a ban, but any blacklists from props I am fully happy to acknowledge. I know that I misused props, but as it was not on the RP servers we wouldn't have hindered any RP or caused any issues for anybody. The reason I'm so worried about a ban is that I've kept a clean streak for so long, and I really don't want a friendly moment between me and some good friends on FL:RP to become a barrier to such openness in the future.

Good news is that we did eventually finish our clan base and it looks rather nice.

I respect any decision that staff make, and although I'm unhappy that some friendly banter managed to be elevated to this level, I'm more than respectful towards the admins not to dispute it. I was in the wrong, and I do apologise.

Please understand, though, that this was simply some friendly banter and we would never even dream of doing anything of its kind on the main servers.

EDIT: Please also acknowledge that this wasn't recurring. It was a really short-lived banter war that involved, admittedly, a little prop abuse. In no way did this ruin the building experience of other players, though. It was in front of the build I was working on.

Messages In This Thread
[FL:RP] Kurdish Falcon - by Rylund - 05-23-2014, 11:05 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Kurdish Falcon - by KurdishFalcon - 05-23-2014, 11:22 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Kurdish Falcon - by Enzyme - 05-23-2014, 11:52 PM

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