[FL] ZedsDead lying in unban request getting it denied.
(1) Your not involved so with much respect shoo off my thread Smile (2) It still has been said many times with admins on but i get banned as soon as i say it. If other people can say it and not get banned when admins are on and if they can insult me several times with out getting banned with admins online. How can this auto be sexist when i say it. ALL im saying is i would appreciate an unban as i never ment or said it to be sexist and ther people have said it without ban giving me the idea it fine to say its an honest mistake. One more question werent you online when i was constantly being insulting for not wanting to RP remember that or did you forget?

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RE: [FL] ZedsDead lying in unban request getting it denied. - by Pixlemaster12 - 05-21-2014, 04:06 PM

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