Madd's Ban Appeal
Your name: Madd

Your ban ID: 48937

Banned by: [FL] Zedsdead

Reason: Catwalks, doomfort, prop climbing

Involved: PossibleGold, Platinum

Why we should unban you: I shouldn't be unbanned. I think that my ban should be shortened because I did do 1 out of the 3 things I was banned for. I did make catwalks which I wasn't aware was not allowed. I was also banned for propclimbing and doomfort. I didn't propclimb whats so ever. The cat walks had ramps leading up to them. I never made a doomfort. My base had walls around it and didn't have mazes, small firing holes, or any jumping or crouching involved. It was a simple fading door. This is why I think that my ban should be shortened to 1 day just like everyone else who got banned with me.

Also its already been a day and all of my friends got unbanned and i really have an urge to play because this server is original and fun to play on. If you could unban me that would be great! I wasn't to sure about the catwalks but thats the only thing I did, nothing else.

Thanks for taking your time to read this! Cheese

Messages In This Thread
Madd's Ban Appeal - by Madd - 05-21-2014, 12:25 AM
RE: Madd's Ban Appeal - by Feffe - 05-21-2014, 10:48 AM
RE: Madd's Ban Appeal - by Flame - 05-21-2014, 11:57 AM

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