Unbann Request Nusta
Your name: Nusta

Your ban ID: 48724,48721

Banned by: [FL] Faustie

Reason: 48724(BRA (46610) - Continued propkilling (Extended due to current ban) ), 48721(BRA (46612) - Prop abuse via prop pushing.)

Involved: xTeRix(Mantarochen) He said to me Go kill him man this guy killed you and rdm tazed you .

Why we should unban you: I know i breaked the Rule that i Proppkilled a Guy But this Guy breaked the Rules too He tazed me RDM And killed me rdm
.And then i was angry and i killed him. Im so sorry for this because i Have now a 4 Months Ban for Killing 1 guy? This is really extreme.
So i want to Play on this server because i Buy donator(10Dollars) and i have buy 400k On server (14Dollars) 24 Dollars.. So
I Paid for this and now i get banned? Because a guy rdm killed and tazed me? Nice. Pls unbann me on the server Its my favorite server but
I KNOW I BREAKED the rules but it is so and i can't change it but i hope i get unbanned i know Its no Motivation what i write here .

MFG Gamer464

Messages In This Thread
Unbann Request Nusta - by Gamer464 - 05-15-2014, 01:56 PM
RE: Unbann Request Nusta - by Faustie - 05-15-2014, 02:18 PM
RE: Unbann Request Nusta - by Enzyme - 05-15-2014, 02:49 PM
RE: Unbann Request Nusta - by Infernaw - 05-15-2014, 05:00 PM

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