BR on gnB' Er4XoN<3 and GermanCreepy
Sorry, that I have two BR's in one, but one case was shortly after the other one, so I put two in one.

Name of player: 1) gnB' Er4XoN<3 2) GermanCreepy

SteamID: 1) STEAM_0:0:53745447 2) STEAM_0:1:87210057

Time in GMT: 19:33

Server: v33x

Summary: As you can see in the video, gnB' Er4XoN<3 was prop surfing. Shortly after that I saw GermanCreepy on the roof.


Messages In This Thread
BR on gnB' Er4XoN<3 and GermanCreepy - by Good Sir - 05-12-2014, 06:18 PM

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