BR - Fireblade180 for scamming.
Name of player: Fireblade180

FireBlade180 STEAM_0:1:85560405

Time in GMT: not sure a few days back I'd say probably a week

Server: 33x

Summary: He kept on telling me that he needed just 100k to get a BMW and I gave him the money and he promised me that he'll give me the money soon now he has gone offline for a while and he keeps on telling me that he'll give me later and later and later... now he doesn't even reply to my messages. I'd really like to have my 100k back. and he is known for scamming before and many people put up a br on him before. thank you I hope you do what's right, and he is saying that all of his money just went. and got taken away from him some how. after that he never came online to give me the money or anything. he could have spent the money or something, I just really would love to have my money back. Sad

Evidence: not good enough, I hope it is tho. you can check the logs please.

Messages In This Thread
BR - Fireblade180 for scamming. - by Nyander - 05-08-2014, 08:09 PM
RE: BR - Fireblade180 for scamming. - by Kpred - 05-09-2014, 02:53 PM

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