Unban Request.
User has been warned for this post. Reason: Posting multiple unban requests for the same ban
Your name: Daisy

Your ban ID: 47947

Banned by: [FL] Vauld

Reason: Extreme Racism, smart-ass response to my order.

Involved: No one.

Why we should unban you: I decided to report this because someone commented on my last unban request and then the moderator decided to talk to them instead of me lol. I was just recently unbanned after a "2-year" ban, and my name was automatically Nate Higgers since it was before. I had had this name since I started playing on this server (I have 47 hours ingame playtime), and this is the first time I was ever warned. Vauld said "Daisy, you have 10 seconds to change your name," and I was lagging so I said "sec, lag" and then proceeded to just make my name "Higgers." He responded with, after counting from 10, "Congrats, you made it." and then immediately afterwards said, "Unfortunately, you failed." and all I said was "apparently I failed" to some guy in OCC. AND THEN HE BANNED ME FOR 30 DAYS LOL. It was the first time I was ever warned for my name and he just bans me without warning. I don't think it's fair, I would have easily changed my name upon request, which I did, but he bans me anyways. 30 days without warning? I don't deserve that, I was doing my job as a role-player.

I have an ancestry link to where Higgers is a REAL name (http://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=higgers). And there are multiple names that are 1 letter away from something highly offensive. But that doesn't mean it IS offensive, especially if it's not that actual name. Just because you switch letter around on something doesn't mean the person should be banned. That's not fair at ALL to the player. And I was given 15 seconds to change my name. I didn't have time to think of a new name, so I just deleted "Nate." Was it out of spite or stubbornness? *** no, it was obvious that I changed it super fast because I had little time. Why would I randomly be stubborn with a mod right after I was unbanned for 2 years? That's idiotic, think about it. Higgers is an actual name, nonetheless, even if it is close to the derogatory word for black people. If you check the forums, or the ingame names, you can definitely see people with more offensive names than "Higgers." It would make sense to ban me for that name (for 30 days, nonetheless. A 1 day ban would have not made me upset at all. I would have taken it maturely.), had my name been something like "Miggers." But it wasn't! It was Higgers! When someone looks at that, they don't think of the N-word. They think "Higgers. That's an interesting name." Because the H doesn't even come close to the letter N. At all! And it's still a real name in the first place! Just like when someone's name is "Chuck," you don't automatically think, "Wow, his name sounds like '***!'" Like I said, I wasn't even being sarcastic with Vauld or anything. As soon as he told me to change my name, I did. Without hesitation. I was in the middle of a conversation and I even said "sec, lag." and changed my name without a moment's hesitation. If that's not complete cooperation, I don't know what is. I didn't change my name to "Higgers" out of stubbornness, that's stupid to think about. I changed it to that because it's the first thing that came to my mind. Just a simple, "that name's also close to the derogatory word, could you change it to something a little less close to that, please?" Would have been just fine for me to change my name. I wasn't upset or envious at the time at ALL. I just feel like I've been treated unfairly. A 30-day ban for something I had totally forgotten about isn't fair. After all, when I get unbanned, my name will STILL be Higgers and I can't do anything about it. And I had just gotten unbanned. I've waited 2 weeks, I think my case and point arguments should be justified.

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request. - by Chance Fields - 05-08-2014, 12:04 AM
RE: Unban Request. - by Enzyme - 05-08-2014, 04:48 PM

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