Ban Request against |The♥Chef™
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I am not sure, since i only took some screenshots so i could file the BR later on. The screenshots are taken 2 days ago (25/04).

EDIT: I took a look in my screenshotsfolder, and i can see that they were taken at exactly 14:35.




I, as a Corleone, build a base at Flea Market (I was unaware at that time that it was illegal to do that, as soon as i found out, i removed it. I was also unaware that i couldn't build bridges on the walls, but i know now.). Then, when some of the other Corleones shot some people, and the police found out, |The♥Chef™ made a fence and placed it, so he and the other cops could just walk over my walls, and he did nothing to remove it, even though i and another cop repeadetly asked him to do so.


Messages In This Thread
Ban Request against |The♥Chef™ - by UnstoppableWrath - 04-27-2014, 07:21 PM

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