BR kaiN^ and |The♥Chef™
Name of player:kaiN^ / |The♥Chef™

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:78797610 / STEAM_0:0:47538562

Time in GMT: Unsure

Server: v2d

Trying to CDM |The♥Chef™

:was Propblocking our base (photos) and Propabused against a different corleone(video) you can see in some of the times i open the tab menu that he was a corleone and you can see a corleone smashing a blue crate on another corleones car, and later in the video i look at a blue crate beloning to him.


[Image: ZUJdzBK.jpg]
[Image: wdBNIKn.jpg]
[Image: yasdwBR.jpg]
The last Photo is only to show that the props arent owned by the same person as the doors, as they could be a base door.
[Image: B1ry4Eh.png]
Have I helped? Well you could always Rep meh!

Messages In This Thread
BR kaiN^ and |The♥Chef™ - by BlackForestAdam - 04-25-2014, 07:52 PM

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