Ban reuquest
This evidence is maybe 1 week old as I have not uploaded in some time, please keep that in mind.

Name of player: jaimy_553
[FL:RP] Act0r( not sure about this one as fearrp did not apply after I shot my gun, you'' have to decide.)

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:85229152
Time in GMT: 10:23 (the recording stopped at that time there.)

Server: v2d

Summary: These 2 cops start trying to get in our houses, just been annoying, also trying to arrest our fellow rebels I believe, I get a shotgun out and was going to bring them into the base, one cop decides to not do that and starts messing about and been annoying, I don't have time for people so hes dead.
I still have a gun at the cop sarg when act0r pops out and shoots me.
(If I have done anything wrong here please say so as I think I may have broken a rule somewhere.)
All in all jaimy_553 broke 3 rules, failrp, fearrp and NLR.


The cop I shoot his steam name on the video at 0:32 is a little blurry but you see his IC name, at about 0:51 seconds I open the leader board up, his IC name you see at 0:32 matches the leader board as a cop.
Now skip to 2:04 and you see I turn around, theres a cop there, and its him again, breaking nlr.

Messages In This Thread
Ban reuquest - by alexxx - 04-24-2014, 08:35 PM
RE: Ban reuquest - by Floodify - 04-25-2014, 06:32 PM

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