[Unofficial] Crack Paradise
The Story behind us

Crack Paradise was formed by 4 friends in the late 90's, after waking up in the middle of the day in a unknown place, after pissing off the Rebel Leader by executing a valuable hostage they were taking for ransom. He drugged them and dropped them off near the evocity lake. Unfamiliar with the location they started wandering and soon found themselfs in the city, filled with crime, drugs and corruption. Unprepared for the dangers they knew lurked within the alleys of this new city, they treaded lightly untill they met two new comers like them. The two groups quickly became friends and mashed their gang names together Crack Kingdom and Money Paradise and formed a new more powerful, feared and respected gang, ready to take over the streets of Evocity.

Our Ranks

Leader: This is the leader of the gang, currently it is I, Jack (JonnyCod4)
His job is to keep the gang under control, to recruit new members, to place orders, to lead the gang into victory, to negotiate with allies and enemies of the gang with minimum blood shed, to welcome and educate the newest members of the gang.
[Job for 1 person, Permanent*]

Vice Leader: This is the second in command in the gang, he is the Leaders Right Hand Man, He acts as a bodyguard and the main muscle of the gang.
His jobs are to protecting the Leader, leading the other members to battle and intimidating the enemy gang members or members of the police. [Job for 1 person,Permament]

Watchmen: These are the guards of the base of operations, they are the first line of defence. They are usually 1-3 members standing infront of the main entrance of the base. Their job is to watch for suspicious individuals and inform the rest of any raids are in progress. Officers and Members can be Watchmen.[Job for 1-3 people, Temporary*]

Officers: They are the elite members in the gang. They take orders from the Leader and Vice leader. Their jobs are protecting the base, following the orders of the Leader and/or Vice Leader, taking the job of the watchmen and the suplier if available and helping the members with their jobs..[Job for 1-5 people, Permament, can be both a Supplier and Officer or Watchman and Officer]

Member: They are the common thief, thugs and druggies. They are currently the lowest members of the gang. They take commands from the Leader and Vice leader and can take minor commands from Officers. They cannot be Suppliers but can become Watchmen if they have exeptional skills.[Job for 1-5 people, Permament, Can be a Watchman If he has permision from the Leader or Vice Leader]

Supplier: This is the person in the gang who gets us the weapons, tools, ammunition, seeds, contra and other things of the sort. Only officers can be Suppliers. [Job for 1-2 people, Temporary]

Permament: These positions are earned and will not be lost when disconnecting.*

Temporary: These positions are only available for a limited time, if you disconnect and someone takes your spot then they are the new person at that position untill someone else takes the spot and so on.*

Roster and position of command.

The positions of power are from the top to the bottom (Top commands everyone below, bottom is commanded by everyone else in the gang.)

Leader: JonnyCod4
Vice Leader: Mishoka
Officers (Watchmen or Suppliers): Kie413
Members: HeyImEvozz and Ok-Bundy

1. Respect the Leader and Vice Leader.
2. Don't randomly kill members from the enemy gang.
3. Do not avoid Gang RP, if you do you will be warned and then kicked.
4. Do not start a war between gangs without both, a valid RP reason and without permission from the leader and vice leader.
5. Raiding team members and allies is strictly forbidden, If caught you will be kicked from the clan on the spot.


14 years or older.
Have 40 hours or more in the server.
No more that 3 bans on record.
Basic knowledge of English.
Have a decent reputation, not famous for i.e. CDM, RDM, FailRP etc…
Access to HQ weapons.
Understandment of the server and gang rules.

Application Form

You cannot be in another gang at the same time.
[size=large][b]Out of Character Information[/b][/size]

[b]Steam Name: [/b]

[b]Steam ID:[/b]

[b]How many hours do you have on the servers?:[/b]

[b]Real Age:[/b]

[b]How many RP points do you have?:[/b]

[b]How many bans do you have?:[/b]

[b]What timezone do you live in (GMT)?:[/b]

[size=large][b]In-Character Information[/b][/size]

[size=medium][b]Personal Information:[/b][/size]

[b]Full Name:[/b]

[b]Street name: [/b]



[b]Personal traits:[/b]

[b]Tell us about him/her and his/hers history:[/b]

[size=medium][b]Normal Information:[/b][/size]

[b]Why do you want to join Crack Paradise:[/b]

[b]Have you been in other gang and/or clans, which one(s)?[/b]

[b]Do you have any reference we can contact?:[/b]

[b]How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?:[/b]

[b]How active are you on the servers 1-10?:[/b]

If you are accepted in the gang you will be PM'ed at what time and server will be your test.

This will be updated frequently with an updated roster everytime someone joins the group and if someone goes up or down in the positions of the gang.

Messages In This Thread
[Unofficial] Crack Paradise - by JonnyCod4 - 04-21-2014, 12:26 AM
RE: [Unofficial] Crack Paradise - by Chech - 04-21-2014, 02:20 AM
RE: [Unofficial] Crack Paradise - by Floodify - 06-27-2014, 12:12 PM
RE: [Unofficial] Crack Paradise - by Floodify - 07-30-2014, 01:57 PM

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