-Update- Crashing when console is opened in-game.
It ain't a Memory problem,

I have 4 GB of RAM and that should be more then enough to Run Gmod smoothly.

However, If your Console is full of "Red Errors" could you maybe make a screenshot and post it in this thread ?

1. It could be a Programming Error (Client Side : Like Addons that Conflict with each other)

2. It only does it on FL because we went on a SandBox server "----> NO ADDONS <---- " And you didn't had any problems there.

3. Try this : Open Gmod --> Goto Addons --> Disable All --> Restart Gmod then Launch it up again --> Join the FearlessRP Server --> Open Console --> And if there's still those "Red Errors" Could you please provide a screenshot of it ? Then I'll try the best that I can do.

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RE: -Update- Crashing when console is opened in-game. - by r0wie_47 - 04-12-2014, 06:41 AM

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