Ban Request: Solomon
Its true..
He Was a President and spawned props and Then propkilled and proppushed cars.
Hes not here to RP.
He also called me a f**got in OOC.
Logs Can prove it, but i also have a screenshot of it on my pc. (Im on my phone right now)

He should have permaban, because hes not rping, Only destroying other People's RP by propkilling, proppushing, CDM'ing and RDM'ing.

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request: Solomon - by Megamezzomixer - 04-10-2014, 12:10 PM
RE: Ban Request: Solomon - by Rihardo Ledinno - 04-10-2014, 02:30 PM
RE: Ban Request: Solomon - by frede0078 - 04-10-2014, 07:21 PM
RE: Ban Request: Solomon - by Venom - 04-10-2014, 08:51 PM

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