[Unofficial] Trysted Ops Security
(04-10-2014, 12:07 PM)Jan Wrote: Hmm, maybe you could add an information box with what this clan actually does?

Good luck!

Yeah, the clan page is not completely done but thanks Cheese

(04-10-2014, 01:41 AM)iCat Wrote:
Trysted Ops Security
[Image: vtI2S50.jpg]
This company was made in 1948 when World War II was about three years from ending. Reilly and Julian were best friends when they were in WWII. They met eachother in training, and they were both dedicated to the war and they loved being in the army. While they were in training, they were hanging out and they became friends. They finished training and they were sent to Bari, Italy to help with a cargo ship full of mustard gas to drop on the germans. Although there was complications. They were sent and it took a couple days to get from america to get to Italy. First, They stopped at a different city in Italy and got prepared to help with the mustard gas. They finally got to the plane with mustard gas. The plane was about to take of when they heard a plane in the sky. They looked up and saw it was German. The Germans started dropping their bombs. One of the German bombs hits the cargo ship carrying the mustard gas, releasing the chemical which killed 83 men. Although, two men escaped without being caught by the gasses. They eventually lost eachother, so they went on their own. Julian became a very successful oil company owner. Although, on the other hand, Reilly became a very skilled hitman. On January 13, 1948, A hit was placed on Julian Viegins. Reilly of course accepted, although he didn't know this was his friend from WWII. He found Julian at his workplace in a desert. When he went up to his office, he remembered Julian, and when that happen, Reilly did not kill Julian and they created Trysted Ops Security since they saw all their old friends die. After the security company was made, both Reilly and Julian went and killed the man who placed the hit.



Spoiler :
This is the transportation part of the company. Our transportation department does not have to be huge, in fact, it could be started with the amount of people we have now. This department focuses on transporting someone's goods if they need someone to transport it, this could be cargo, or just people.


Spoiler :
This is the main portion of the company. This is going to be a big part to help with our funds and as well as give proper security who needs it. Although, it is free for the president. Our clan does not give out free security to the public. The security department helps the transportation by giving escorts.

Security Clearance

Security Level ONE

- Allowed access to be in the HQ.
- Allowed to see very basic operations.
- Permission for a M4A1
- Permission to drive their own vehicle.
- Permission to be passenger in Group vehicle.

Secutiry Level TWO

- All previous Permissions.
- Permission to see more advanced operations.
- Permission to be in basic operations only if properly trained.
- Permission to drive group vehicle if properly trained and tested.
- Access to be upstairs in HQ.
- Has to be trained to be a security guard.

Security Level THREE

- All previous permissions.
- Permission to see secret operations.
- Permission to be in Advanced operations.
- Permission to use your vehicle to drive the group only if it is a Hummer H2 or Mercades Benz G65.
- Access to have your own office in upstairs HQ.
- Permission to know Limited information of the secret base.

Security Level FOUR

- All previous permissions.
- Permission to see secret operations.
- Permission to be in Secret Operations.
- Permission to use the AWP sniper rifle once trained and tested.
- Permission to be in the higher level meeting room in the HQ
- Partial Access to the secret ops base.
- Permission to be a Presidential Security Guard if trained.

Security Level FIVE
- All previous permissions
- Permission to be in TOP SECRET Operations.
- All access of known operations that happen in the company.
- Full Access to the secret ops base.
- Permission to use any level of weapon choice they'd like unless a certain operation is set up to use a certain kind of weapon.



- Lowest Level in the Trysted Ops Security.
- Security Clearance Level One
- Protect the HQ if needed.
- Security guard for hire - 250$


Spoiler :
- Security Clearance level One.
- Protect HQ if needed.
- Security guard for hire - 270$
- Allowed to be in a squad.

Master Sergeant

Spoiler :
- Security Clearance level Two.
- Protects Upper HQ if needed.
- Security guard for hire - 300$
- Allowed to lead a squad of 4 men.

Second Lieutenant

Spoiler :
- Security Clearance level Two.
- Protects Upper HQ if needed.
- Security guard for hire 320$
- Allowed to lead a squad of 4 men.

First Lieutenant

Spoiler :
- Security Clearance level Three.
- Protects Upper HQ if needed.
- Mercenary for hire - 450$
- Allowed to lead a squad of 4 men.


Spoiler :
- Security Clearance level Three.
- Protects Upper HQ if needed.
- Mercenary for hire - 470$
- Allowed to lead a squad of 4 men.


Spoiler :
- Security Clearance level Three.
- Protects Upper HQ if needed.
- Mercenary for hire - 500$
- Allowed to lead a squad of 4 men.

Brigadier General

Spoiler :
- Security Clearance level Four.
- Protects Upper HQ if needed.
- Mercenary for hire - 550$
- Allowed to lead a squad of 4 men.

Major General

Spoiler :
- Security Clearance level Four
- Protects Upper HQ if needed
- Mercenary for hire - 600$
- Allowed to lead a squad of 4 men

Lieutenant General

Spoiler :
- Security Clearance level Five
- Protects Upper HQ if needed
- Mercenary for hire - 700$
- Allowed to be in the Secret Operations base.
- Security guard for Secret Ops base if needed.


Spoiler :
- Security Clearance level Five
- Mercenary for hire - 1100$
- Allowed to be in the Secret Operations base.
- Leader of all Trysted Ops

Squad Operations

Mercenarys/Security Guards
Name: BestSniper124
Rank: Corporal

Name: TheAverageGamer
Rank: Corporal

Name: Millenium_Tryst
Rank: General of Trysted Ops

Name: CanineSoldier
Rank: Lieutenant General

1. Do not fire upon Security Guards/Mercenaries unless they fire at us for no reason.
2. Do not try to fake your SID code to fit a higher security level.
3. Do not break normal server rules.
4. Do not argue with a higher rank then you.
5. Do not go into restricted area of your security clearance level.


- Must be 12 years of age.
- Maximum number of bans is 7
- Can't be VAC banned.
- Basic Knowledge of Rp skills

Quote:OOC Information:
Steam Username:
VAC Banned?:
RP Points:
RP Experience:
IC Information:
Where are you from?:
Do you have any Security or military experience?:
How long have you lived in EvoCity?:
What rank do you wish to be, (maximum asking rank is Corporal)?:
Why would you be a good person for this rank?:
Why do you want to be in this clan?

Messages In This Thread
[Unofficial] Trysted Ops Security - by Millennium - 04-10-2014, 01:41 AM
RE: [Unofficial] Trysted Ops Security - by dig - 04-10-2014, 02:41 AM
RE: [Unofficial] Trysted Ops Security - by Jan - 04-10-2014, 12:07 PM
RE: [Unofficial] Trysted Ops Security - by Millennium - 04-10-2014, 01:23 PM
RE: [Unofficial] Trysted Ops Security - by Syntex - 04-10-2014, 12:25 PM
RE: [Unofficial] Trysted Ops Security - by Cody - 04-18-2014, 03:43 AM
RE: [Unofficial] Trysted Ops Security - by greg - 04-18-2014, 04:00 AM
RE: [Unofficial] Trysted Ops Security - by ilgner - 04-20-2014, 12:05 PM

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