Your name: (Steam friends name) [MW8] grantdaws_MK_97

Your ban ID: (Number of the ban, this could be 2779 for example) 47389

Banned by: (Please use the staff member's full name with [FL]/[FL:M] tag)
[FL] Vauld

Reason: (Why were you banned, what is listed as the reason?) Fail RP...

Involved: (Who was involved? Type a - when there were no other people involved except you and the staff member.)

Why we should unban you: (A motivation why we should unban you, or why your ban should be shortened) I don't really know what happened. I spawned then I saw the sky with a weird color and weird smoke bombs. Then everyone was screaming at me telling me to get in the nexus then I got in and they closed the door. I opened the door and everyone was angry I don't really know why. Then the SWAT cuffed me and wanted to kill me they said I almost killed everyone I don't really know how. Then I couldn't hear anyone in the game everyone had a mic picture on top of him but no sound. I kept saying hello? hello?? repeatedly and no one answered then while I was saying hello I got disconnected and that message appeared; Disconnect: Visit www.fearlessrp.net for more information about your ban.. I just want to understand what's going on.

Messages In This Thread
unban - by dawsmw8 - 04-10-2014, 01:08 AM
RE: unban - by Vauld - 04-10-2014, 03:18 AM

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