New and updated rules very soon
The server will have new and update rules. These rules are made to have a better Roleplay experience both for admins and members. The admins made the rules together, this means there are a lot of interesting rules that normally wouldn't have been thought of. Also there are a lot of rules slightly changed to make it easier to understand for people new to RP.

New or important changes to old rules, so not the current rules displayed, this is an addition:

1. If you see someone breaking the rules, try to warn them. Do not take the situation into your own hands.

2. Do not jump on anyone who is “Unconscious”, “Sleeping”, “Tranquilized” or is in any other state of unconsciousness.

3. Do not break any of the rules because of a person’s chosen community/clan tag.

4. Fear RP applies under gunpoint. You can’t attack a person who has a gun pointed at you, you must roleplay being afraid of the gun as your character only has one (1) life.

5. No Racism, Sexism, or other Hate Speech

6. No extremist names such as: “Adolf Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, Joseph Stalin”

7. No racist clans.

8. Do not have private conversations in the OOC, for that use the /pm command.

9. Do not use OOC to call an admin. Use the @ command.

10. Do not use OOC to argue with/about another player. Use PM or @ to notify the admins.

11. Racism is NOT allowed. It’s not allowed IC, or OOC. Never. Not at all. No exceptions.

12. It's not allowed to make traps or barricades into your base. Also fences with floors and towers are not allowed.

13. Even if you work with the government, ask the current president before spawning props in Nexus.

14. Do not build more than 2 custom doors which are not public in a row. Your friend’s doors are counted as well.

15. You must use rope on a hostage.

16. Do not run away from gunpoint or while being tied: this is breaking Fear RP.

17. Do not disconnect to avoid being hostaged.

18. Do not use your radio in a hostage situation unless told to do so by the person who captured you.

19. Do not steal cars when you are working for the government, you may confiscate them and put them in the nexus garage.

20. If you are a government official, and you receive word of a hostage situation, do not run straight in and shoot randomly.

21. Do not use your presidential spawn protection to fall to the bottom of the Nexus

22. Do not make Laws which supports RDM or rule breaking of any kind.

23. You must repeat your laws every 5 to 15 mins.

24. You may build a unfrozen roadblock with the president’s permission.

25. NLR still applies even if you are told to head back (to the place you died) over the radio.

26. “Because I needed money” is not a valid reason to raid.

27. Don’t randomly crash into other vehicles.

28. Don’t steal someones car as they unlock it.

29. Do not climb on your car to jump a wall, this also counts as

30. Simply because a person isn’t on the zebra crossing lines, doesn’t mean you can run them over, your car has a horn ® and a handbrake (Spacebar).

31. Walls used to surround a base must be made out of fence props.

32. Bases must fit the roleplay of the situation, for example poor rebels cannot afford high-tech bases.

33. Bases must abide with the “Door Rules” section, Perimeter gates are considered a door.

34. Barricades cannot be made so it is impossible for attackers to shoot you.

35. Fade & Shoots are not allowed (A prop that you can fade with a button, shoot out of, then fade again when you are shot at.)
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Messages In This Thread
New and updated rules very soon - by SoulRipper - 07-18-2011, 04:13 PM
RE: New and updated rules very soon - by Fish - 07-18-2011, 05:54 PM
RE: New and updated rules very soon - by Noobias - 07-19-2011, 03:10 AM
RE: New and updated rules very soon - by Fish - 07-19-2011, 05:55 PM
RE: New and updated rules very soon - by Strom - 07-18-2011, 06:12 PM
RE: New and updated rules very soon - by Jamie - 07-18-2011, 06:19 PM
RE: New and updated rules very soon - by Saint - 08-03-2011, 01:29 PM
RE: New and updated rules very soon - by Chief - 07-18-2011, 07:26 PM
RE: New and updated rules very soon - by tYn0_SK - 07-19-2011, 03:35 PM
RE: New and updated rules very soon - by Jamie - 07-19-2011, 05:41 PM
RE: New and updated rules very soon - by tYn0_SK - 07-20-2011, 03:16 PM
RE: New and updated rules very soon - by Shark - 07-20-2011, 03:28 PM
RE: New and updated rules very soon - by Strom - 07-20-2011, 03:40 PM
RE: New and updated rules very soon - by Chief - 07-21-2011, 02:25 AM
RE: New and updated rules very soon - by s.J. - 07-22-2011, 07:40 AM
RE: New and updated rules very soon - by Gozie3D - 08-01-2011, 02:31 AM
RE: New and updated rules very soon - by qazcake - 08-01-2011, 02:09 PM
RE: New and updated rules very soon - by Grub - 08-02-2011, 12:51 AM
RE: New and updated rules very soon - by Noobias - 08-05-2011, 02:11 AM

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