This should be a blacklist, not a 2 day ban
I'd like to take a short moment to actually clarify matters somewhat.
The events of the day went as such:
Clay and I were driving to the BP in Clay's Mercedes, we had just come back from MTL where the admins and some other certain people had been making a giant cannon that was causing some lag to me, so we moved on.
Arriving at the BP the ever so common glitch in the Mercedes saw that Clay and I got teleported to the petrol station roof, Jonesy often "corrects" people when they get put on the roof, even though this is a common issue with the car.

While Clay worked himself free he then went to alert Auston and several bystanders that I was in need of a hand, Clay then hopped in the car to move it and was teleported back to the roof.

The chef was out of my view range so I have no idea how he got on the roof.

Auston was looking at getting onto the roof when he said, and I quote from the sole message he sent me out of game
"Better RP this, I'll get a ladder"

The ladder was free floating, as it fell down during the rescue.

Jonesy then appeared for a breif moment and left again, offer no support despite his latter claims of "I like to help"

I quite often find myself as the cruel recipient of these map glitches as this was the fifith time I have become stuck thanks to an in-game feature or glitch, on four of these occasions I was left to die inside a roof or given the respawn option, only once has an admin arrived to help when I was not given such an option.

Considering this is a punishment for people trying to help me out of a situation that Jonesy failed to inform the admins about in any reasonable way, I am dissapointed.
The added fact that I was going to be banned for being stuck is another point I would like to add as it shows Jonesy was simply rushing to do this. after he posted the report we had a RP altercation outside his house and one of us was killed because "I saw someone had a gun at your house".

I feel that this matter has been poorly handled from the start and judging in the speed of which some bans were processed this is more of an issue of egos clashing rather than a minge gaming method, Jonesy could have simply said "Use /sleep" as soon as I got stuck and notified everyone in chat.

This should be a connsideration of the poor car design rather than personal actions.

Messages In This Thread
RE: This should be a blacklist, not a 2 day ban - by Bails - 04-01-2014, 06:42 AM

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