Unban Me
Your name:Linkedmagic

[b]Your ban ID:46837

[b]Banned by:[FL] Freezak

[b]Reason: Random Raid

Soloman , megamezzomixer,accelerator,Mr.Pedro,blitzed,crabbman6, me and police,sru and citizens

[b]Why we should unban you: You should unban me because the President Soliman wasn't posting rules often, he was sitting in a chair when we raided and he couldn't run the city. Corleone's and rebels came together and discussed that the president wasn't able to run the town and that we should stop this. Along the way some other players joined in but we were the only ones punished. I know its only 12 hr but I shouldn't be banned as we had decent raiding reasons such as he couldn't provide rules and he wasn't doing his job. Freezak teleported me and some other people and he banned the president but he later banned us for random raid when we gave him our reasons to raid. Not all of the players got banned and I think that our punishments are short but we should not suffer (Rebels involved ) for the president not doing his job. All of the players said that's hes not doing his job and accelerator pmed me saying come to nexus to help assassinate the President soloman. We should not face this ban as all police and sru involved broke NLR 3 times. In addition we gave the president plenty of chances to adapt his gameplay. But all he decided to do was sit in a chair. He said a bunch of lies like we broke nlr but we didnt commit such . freezak teleported us we justified our reasons for the raid but 6 players got banned where as it should have been about 20. To conclude I should be unbanned because I didn't random raid I gave the reasons of the presi wasnt doing his job and that he was unable to run a town.

Messages In This Thread
Unban Me - by Paradox. - 03-30-2014, 03:05 PM
RE: Unban Me - by Freezak - 04-02-2014, 08:12 PM

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