Unban Request Decelerator
Name: Decelerator STEAM_0:1:55014722

Ban ID: 46602

Banned by: [FL] Narcotic

Reason: 'propspamming'

Involved: Accelerator

Why should we unban him?:

Decelerator had to leave at 4 pm (Dutch time) and the time was a couple minutes before 4 pm. He deleted his props with ‘undo everything’. The day before he noticed that he had more then 30 props. He was wondering what his new prop limit was so he spawned pots to see what his limit was, it was 40 props. He was talking with Decelerator on skype and he asked him: (in Dutch) what are you spawning? and his answer was: Ooh cool my prop limit is now 40! A couple seconds after he got banned for 30 days because he was 'propspamming'. He was 'spamming' the props in his own 'base' so he wasn’t bothering anybody. Me and Decelerator also think Narcotic should have teleported him so he could explain why he 'Spammed' the props. Me and Decelerator agree it was 'propspamming' but not to hurt or annoy somebody and 30 is a bit gushy. We hope he get unbanned or get a shortened because he didn't meant to harm people and two days ago he bought donator and he didn't bought it to break the rules because he wanted to have more fun with donator (the suits and SRU)
http://prntscr.com/35gofn : This player got 14/15 days while he broke 3 rules and Decelerator got 30 of ban while he broke 1 rule with a valid reason and that’s not fair. I really want to play with Decelerator because it’s so boring without him.

Kind regards,

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request Decelerator - by sandwichmenno - 03-30-2014, 02:48 PM
RE: Unban Request Decelerator - by Narc - 03-31-2014, 06:19 AM
RE: Unban Request Decelerator - by MichealAlford - 03-31-2014, 08:02 AM
RE: Unban Request Decelerator - by Narc - 03-31-2014, 08:30 AM

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