Got RDM by a Corleone, admins dont do shiit , and I got banned for treatning xD
Well i punched the Don its true. But punch someone is not Reason to get banned, he pull out his knife, and told me to get away, i run away, then i look to him from far away and he had a shotgun, i try to run and he run after me shooting, if im not inocent and get banned, he is not innocent too... i think if i get banned for this, maybe he should get banned for kill me with a shotgun for i punching him, maybe im right in this part?

Well, to be honest, i dont want noone banned, i did not threat , you didnt answer me, but when i talk that i would RDM everyone, then get asnwers and ban... well, what can i say? you refuse to help me when i needed? or what happend? you are the admin, general rule 5, i can't discuss, but i talk to get attencion! you were refusing to assist, i dont know why Thinking

Just read i DID NOT threat , i DID NOT said: I WILL RDM U ALL, I SAID what if i rdm you all, you will react the same way? Because you were not answering me! That's all.

If you are able to lift my ban... its already 4 hours banned, i will not play much today, so if you can lift it i would apreciate, next time i wont punch noone, i will not ask for admin help, i will just record it and post a BR.
Thanks for your time.

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RE: Got RDM by a Corleone, admins dont do shiit , and I got banned for treatning xD - by LPapas - 03-23-2014, 09:22 PM

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