Unban For Elton_John
Your name: [FL:RP]ELTON_JOHN

Your ban ID: 46263

Banned by: [FL] Enzyme

Reason: vehicle modification

Involved: Unknown/a

Why we should unban you: "Do not modify cars with props or tools without prior admin approval. Admins may modify a car with small objects/materials if it is required for an event." I supposedly broke this rule. After a time of fun, I wanted to see if I could get past the turrets and other things locking users from entering the Hunger Games Area. Other people had put props on their cars as shields, but they often failed. The admin saw me putting props that were welded on my car. I believe he had full knowledge that I and My car would be killed. The shield fell off while I was putting it on. Also, the shield never was welded or connected to the car, thus not affecting the car. I have seen admins break this rule as well, adding lights and other props for no reason that I was aware of. Fearless is one the best gaming communities I have ever had the right of playing on. All I like to be unbanned, but if that is not possible, maybe a reduction in ban time maybe possible. Thank you for your time.
"Curiosity is the essence of human exsistence."-Gene Cernan, Apollo 17 Crew

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Messages In This Thread
Unban For Elton_John - by Buzz_Aldrin - 03-22-2014, 04:29 AM
RE: Unban For Elton_John - by Enzyme - 03-22-2014, 04:51 AM
RE: Unban For Elton_John - by Narc - 03-23-2014, 03:45 AM

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