[Unofficial][Recruiting] Aperture Laboratories Research Team

Short History
Year 1995. Scientists from Aperture Laboratories discovered a way to enter parallel version of planet earth. Owner of Aperture Cave Johnson, has sent Research team to Collect data and prepare an invasion.

Copy of Direct Message from Cave
Quote:Welcome Gentlemen, to the Aperture Labolatories Parallel-Universe Research Team. Your orders are clear, Collect data about citizens of their Capitol "Evocity" and remember, we are not hiding, we are going to take over their government and source of petroleum .
And don't forget to get me a picture of cat with 2 heads or you are fired !
Cave out.


Leader/Co-Leader - Leader of the team.
Sergeant - Takes the power when Leader is unavailable
Strategist - Makes Strategies for Raids/Defence, oversees trainings of fighters.
Fighter - Just a guy who knows how to use guns. Helps other clan members if they are in danger
Scientist - Lab guy with a big brain. Skilled with making usefull things
Employee - Fresh recruit

You will start as Employee and later advance us Sergeant, Fighter, Scientist or Strategist.

Current Budget


Leader - [FL:RP] Aleks
due to me being permamently banned from the community Aleks is the Leader and CEO of the Aperture.
Co-Leader- _____

Sergeant - _____

Strategist - _____

Fighter - Linkedmagic

Scientist - Tomtom

Employee - _____

Our inventions:

- Remote Forcefield
- Stationary Fall Protection
- Human Catapult [Kills only 68% of test subject]

Our Portal 2 maps:
Empty yet but will be fill up soon Smile

I am planning to make full campaign for clan in some time


Before you are going to make some science, Read the RP rules

Clan name ingame is "Aperture P-U Research team [Your rank]

President roleplay:

1. When you are a president, you still have to listen to Leader/Sergeant of Research team !

2. Make people know who's in charge ! make some Aperture logo.

3. Ask one of these Scientists to build you a portal, where you can connect our real world to some power source , we need this power !

4. You can use some innocent citizens in the name of science  !

Government roleplay:

1. Noticed some bad criminals breaking the laws ? Don't worry to test some of these new fancy technologies on them !

2. You are a scientist but you don't have any animals to test your ideas ? Test on Criminals instead !

3. Orders from Leader/Sergeant are more important than president's

Criminal roleplay:

1. Allways make some Aperture logo in or outside your house,
Make them know what they are dealing with.

2. Do some contraband ! Science is not cheap .

3. Raid other people us Aperture Parallel Research team only if Leader/Sergeant gave you an order.

4. If you are mugging people don't forget to offer them a job as a Full time test subject

5. Hostage people only with a good reason ! Like a walking in your garden !

6. Hostaged people have status as test subjects. You can make some science on their little bodys.

Recruitment Formula


[b]Character Name:[/b]

[b]Something about yourself (Rp):[/b]

[b]How many hours on server do you have:[/b]

[b]Where are you from:[/b]

[b]Why us:[/b]

********This Thread and Clan is not fully finished yet********

Messages In This Thread
[Unofficial][Recruiting] Aperture Laboratories Research Team - by Xbit123 - 03-14-2014, 11:52 PM

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