Banned again for nothing..
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Your name: Browneeh

Your ban ID: 45806

Banned by: [FL:M] Eisenhorn

Reason: attempting to heal during a raid as a medic, running into a gunfight

Involved: Supertommyx3 - Who also called me to come after the gunfight were over, after Eisenhorn banned me, he asked him why he banned me and said that I didn't healed anyone, after that he got kicked from the Server too..

Why we should unban you: The gunfight were already over... It's just like that, the f****** gunfight were over! And even if there was a gunfight still going on I wasn't going to heal anyone if I would have heard any shots. I also got called there through the radio and just walked in while everyone was on the direct other side of the place like 10-20 sec away to get healed anyway. So wtf, why do I get dragged away and then "I talked enough to you this week" and in the other situations he were also wrong, there were 4 other players, who said the whole time "YOU ARE WRONG, YOU ARE WRONG". This guy is really doing his job wrong - just take a look at the Admin Abuse Forum, 2 Threads about him since yesterday? Don't f****** look away and let this guy do this, there are more people than only me who just don't say something because you guys work togheter and always say NO, THAT'S NOT ABUSE BLAHBLAH. Give this guy a piece of your mind and prevent him from doing so! I have the feeling this server is getting more and more worse, every hour a restart, lags all the time, ping sometimes up to 300 for everyone and then this? And I was going to donate some money this week, maybe if you get your problems fixxed then I'll think about donating again..

Messages In This Thread
Banned again for nothing.. - by Browneeh - 03-12-2014, 12:46 AM
RE: Banned again for nothing.. - by DoomDude1 - 03-12-2014, 08:50 AM
RE: Banned again for nothing.. - by Browneeh - 03-12-2014, 11:45 AM
RE: Banned again for nothing.. - by DoomDude1 - 03-12-2014, 12:02 PM

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