Ivo King: Prop Killing/Pushing, FearRP, D/C to avoid arrest, Insults in OOC
Insults after getting insulted. Props weren't frozen. Prop pushing while an officer to remove parked car in the middle of the road without anyone driving it. Prop killing in elevator? I was getting shot and I was the only guy who died. And btw, you guys are always the same, everytime I join, you just shout at me and random chase/taze etc. Only way to avoid that is to become a gov employee. Everytime I join you dont let me play just because I was banned before. And just because I was banned before, it doenst mean I ll do everything again. Thanks

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RE: Ivo King: Prop Killing/Pushing, FearRP, D/C to avoid arrest, Insults in OOC - by DELETE.account - 03-07-2014, 08:06 PM

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