Unban Request
Your Name: Atarashii

Your Ban ID: 44939

Banned by: [FL] Verzyn

Reason: Generally minging, heavy fail RP, prop minging, attempted teamkill, insulting other players (Extended due to current ban)

Why we shoud unban you: Hello, it sounds bad but it wasnt me. It was my Brother wo are Perm Banned from your Server and play with my Acc when i´m not Home. I am very Sorry for that things he do and cant change it. I dont let him Play my Acc again and i will follow the Rules, I promise it ! I really Love this Server and dont want to wait 3 Months and wanna play as far as i can.

And i write from this Acc because thats an other Computer and i cant log in with my acc now sorry for that.

Thank you for your time.


Messages In This Thread
Unban Request - by gagas08 - 03-03-2014, 12:29 AM
RE: Unban Request - by Flame - 03-03-2014, 06:39 AM
RE: Unban Request - by Verzyn - 03-03-2014, 05:12 PM

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