Bowling Shop
I tried to create an original roleplay, and i came up with an idea of a bowling shop. Since my sister is a professional bowler and i know about the types of equipment.
Anyway, the design was not that good as i spent most of my props on the little bowling paraphernalia and reached the prop limit before i could add walls and floors. As usual, i did not gain much attention, just a few customers and got paid a visit by corleones,rebels and robbers. All demanding money from me.
Anyway, here are the screenshots! Smile

[Image: 6C689043C71C7CCDF2CB5FA16A6DB0130DA00E95]

[Image: C96598E36504DABB211BC968278C945919170A49]

Messages In This Thread
Bowling Shop - by Ne0ster - 02-25-2014, 07:52 PM
RE: Bowling Shop - by Arxxy - 02-25-2014, 07:56 PM

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