Name of player:[FL:RP] Mr. Trance

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21066094

Time in GMT: 19:20+2 GMT

Server: v33x

Summary:Just Checked My Base Camera And Saw An Exploadion Went Back To My Base Got Out My AK47 And Went Inside Saw 2 Guys Didnt Captured The Other One While They Are Raiding Don Corleone(me) As Corleones. They Team Raided Me And TeamKilled Me. Their Reason Was That Their Car Was In The MTL(my base) Check The Logs Admins And Some Logs Before I Didnt Lockpicked The Car And Didnt Used That Car. Maybe My Mate Took It While We Were Citizens And Putted It In There. When I went Inside Mr Trance Already Had Gun Out And In The Video You Can See That I Didnt Fired At Him(30/30 ammo) So That Wont Be A Reason.
Even If His Car Was There It Is Not A Reason To Teamkill/Teamraid He Could Ask To Get It Back There Is A Little Chance That We Didnt Take It But He Still Had To Raid Before Asking.


Messages In This Thread
Mr.Trance - by kfir2709 - 02-23-2014, 05:46 PM
RE: Mr.Trance - by Freezak - 02-23-2014, 09:44 PM

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