Extremist roleplay, bordering on Nationalistic Discrimination
I was doing a Swedish Government roleplay, having my name such as "Fredrik Reinfeldt" having very civilizing laws. My laws was set up as such;

  • /broadcast [GUNS] Guns are forbidden.| Sale of guns are forbidden, it will lead to an immidate arrest.

  • /broadcast [CARS] In town it's a limit of 30 km/h and outside 55 km/h. | Wrongly parked cars are to be impounded.

  • /broadcast [FINE] Wronly parked car: $150 | Speeding: $450 | Others: $250.

  • /broadcast [BASES] Buildings with high walls are objects of a search.

  • /broadcast [SELF PRODUCTIONS] Contrabands is highly illegal. | Weed are illegal to use and plant.

  • /broadcast [TAX] 5%=No crimes reported|10%=Minimun crimes reported|20%=Much crimes reported|

Later on, Norwegian citizens started a revolution burning down my flag. I said that would this contunie actions were to be made. Threats were made and I draw the conclusion to save the government and to it's city was to seize any Norwegian activity that could cause chaos for the city and it government. Whilst more and more escalated, cops being hostaged by the norwegian government etc, I draw the conclusion that each and every major supporters of the Norwegian state was to be arrested to avoid any further chaos. There were already a riot being started during that time and before I could re-located, I had been raided and the Government had been taken under the control under the Norwegians..more precise under Enzymes command. He was crown the king due to no other choice by me during the actual hostage taking.

The Swedish "worshippers" were considered low lifers. The line between what's not discriminating at this time became very blurry. Due to the command of Enzymes revolt I had gotten the impression that the Swedish "worshippers" would be arrested. He didn't say it directly, nor did I. As you said Jonesy, you said Wood Chopper requested a warrant for someone "liking the swede". I was at that time still under the control of the Norwegian and it was still a norwegian state so I naturally assumed that he was to be arrested.

It all went really fast and it was the matter of acting fast due to the situation. It might have been a bit too much with the whole being arrested for liking sweden due to the uprising of norwegians control of the government, as I said in /pm. I formally apologized for any people I might have hurt or such. I really do, I said so in OOC and I apologize to the "arrested" person Zankka. I admit of not reviewing that request as correctly as I should have as floods of /pm and /adverts and /radios came in and not to mention I was still under the command of a norwegian citizen (even when enzyme left). Shortly after I survived the execution attempt, I was brining back the laws as they should have been and thus made all the discriminating getting removed.

Also for the record, I am not an nationalism or anywhere close to hating the Norwegian citizens. I only RPed this roleplay as it went, and I admit, it went perhaps to fast. But it was all acting very fast and with a blink of an eye I was under control of the Norwegians.
Kind Regards,

Messages In This Thread
RE: Racist Roleplay - by Wood - 02-19-2014, 07:57 PM
RE: Racist Roleplay - by Enzyme - 02-19-2014, 08:00 PM
RE: Extremist roleplay, bordering on Nationalistic Discrimination - by Floodify - 02-19-2014, 08:16 PM

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