Apology and Unban request Bradtech
:Your name:Black&WhiteBears (My last name was BradTech)

Your ban ID: 27186

Banned by: [FL] Beflok

Reason:Intentionally trying to crash the server, Mass prop spam


Why we should unban you:Yes I do know this is my 3rd Post but I really want one more chance. Okay, I was banned about 1 year ago maybe more and for permanent. Yes I do admit that I was in the wrong and I broke the rules and I was lying about everything in my other unban requests, yes i know that is really bad but I was a kid but i'm deeply sorry for that if I could I would change the past but I cant.Back then I was a little immature kid that didn't know how to RP and didn't take RP seriously . I know now how to RP correctly and take it seriously. I was wondering and hoping if I could be unbanned for one last chance and final chance. Even if my ban could be lowered to 1 month or so. I remember the community which was nice and friendly, but I made one wrong choice back then to ruin it all.

Thank you

From Black&WhiteBears

Messages In This Thread
Apology and Unban request Bradtech - by AsianCop - 02-11-2014, 12:13 AM
RE: Unban request Bradtech - by zombiedude2015 - 02-11-2014, 12:16 AM

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