Sweam Permbanned unbanrq
Your name: Sweam
Your ban ID: 35390

Banned by: Jokhah (He isn't named [FL] or [FL:M] on the website)

Reason: Attempting to crash server though prop spam. 01/08/13 01:00:00ish

Involved: I have no idea, it might have been more people involve but not what i know.

Why we should unban you: I don't know but i may be known as a major propkiller i wouldn't surprice me.
Anyways i was not very smart back then infact i acted like a tard, i propkilled and all of those stuff. I know that not many people would let me get another chance but i really would like one. I have alot of bans on my record i know. It's just that i reaaallly want to start playing FL:RP seriously again. If i get unbanned you can set me on a trying period or something like that, if i get a valid banrequest just permban me again. Not that i will get one but IF. I guess that's all i have to say. Please
[Image: HBYAzuI.png]
Made By GangsterPear

Messages In This Thread
Sweam Permbanned unbanrq - by Sweam - 02-10-2014, 08:33 PM
RE: Sweam Permbanned unbanrq - by Temar - 02-10-2014, 09:48 PM
RE: Sweam Permbanned unbanrq - by Temar - 02-10-2014, 11:03 PM

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