Anti Bronies, You have gone too far.
(02-09-2014, 09:20 PM)WorldWideCoffee Wrote:
(02-09-2014, 05:10 PM)Joykill Wrote: [Image: 104.png]

I thnk that honestly, there is bigger problems in this world than ponyfights. Hundreds of people commit suicide every single day, over much more serious problems.

You're seriously fucked up if you think suicide should be downplayed for the reason this kid had. In fact your a pretty big hypocrite to say "Oh, he committed suicide over a silly reason but, committing suicide for ANY other reason is A HUGE ISSUE" So, if suicide is such a BIG issue to you, why is case this a exception?

Just because YOU see the reason as stupid, doesn't mean its not as serious as losing a loved one or any other reason that someone should feel the need to end their life. But, I wouldn't expect a ignorant fuckwad such as yourself to understand that.

I never said comitting suicide over 'any other reason is A HUGE ISSUE'. I never said that suicide is 'such a BIG issue' to me.

I never said that suicide is a good thing. I never said that I find the reason stupid, but rather commented about how the article, some may call it, is focused around him being a brony. It's irrelevant. If it was to be a random boy non-brony, computer nerd, it would never be focused around his personal interests. If it was an article discussing suicide and bullying on a more objective level, instead of 'oh no brony bullied, almost killed himself', I probably wouldn't have made that reply. Additionally, you can never really tell why one is bullied. I'm assuming none of y'all knows him in real life, and can't tell the real reason he is bullied. It's usually a mix of various things.

OP is talking to us like FL is a gathering of anti-bronies.

Messages In This Thread
Anti Bronies, You have gone too far. - by Sasha - 02-09-2014, 05:00 PM
RE: Anti Bronies, You have gone too far. - by Joykill - 02-09-2014, 10:16 PM

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