Ban Request: Kenny Reason: CDM x3
Name of player: Kenny

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:29366462 (I dont know why but I was unable to find his SteamID in the SteamID tab on the Forums, so to confirm this is his I provded a sccreenshot of his SteamID.

Time in GMT: Between 9:02AM and 9:15AM

Server: V2D

Summary: So, I was calmly explaining to Kenny how the Hummer is not the greatest car to be driving, And he should think about investing in a car like the Volvo, I explained my reasoning to him, He then proceeded to reverse into me, Making me injured, Then driving off, And his reasoning for this, As shown in the screenshot, Was because I "called his car rubbish". He came back later and finished us by CDMing me and Sashow1000. Now, (I am unaware of if NLR applies after a CDM on purpose, There was no Mod/Admin on at the time so I had no one to ask if I could return to continue my RP. So I did return, And if I could get a potential ban for NLR breakage may I at least speak to an admin about my reasoning for returning.)
Anyway, So I returned to my spot, Where Kenny appears and, As shown in the first 2 screenshots, Lines up and again CDM's me on purpose. With me capturing evidence this time.So after, I head back once more to try and continue my RP where, Yet again Kenny appears. I explain I will fill out a BR, And then I walk past his hummer, As the video shows, Being stupid as usual, Then get's CDM'ed again by Kenny.

Evidence: Sashow1000 claims to have a recording of the first CDM, So if he posts it that would be great.
The Third CDM

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request: Kenny Reason: CDM x3 - by Petercob - 02-09-2014, 08:44 AM

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