Ban Request - Mr.Pickle, [SBG]Crazy_lords
Name of player: Mr.Pickle, [SBG]Crazy_lords

SteamID: Mr.Pickle: STEAM_0:0:8307603,
[SBG]Crazy_lords: STEAM_0:1:66232239
Time in GMT: Around 3:30am GMT-5

Server: v2d

Summary: Mr.Pickle propclimbs over a mailbox into our base in search of a firetruck he was previously ramming people with before he was killed. [SBG]Crazy_lords propclimbs onto the wall as well.


Messages In This Thread
Ban Request - Mr.Pickle, [SBG]Crazy_lords - by Noodle - 02-07-2014, 08:40 AM

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