Ban request
I didn't get time to take their names as shortly after my computer overheated and crashed.
Name of player: Read above

SteamID: Read Above

Time in GMT: 22:50-23:15

Server: 33x

Summary: Well I had just did a one man raid against the president that wasn't posting the laws, the SRU and police were all out at the other end of the map. I had killed the president and I was making my way back. And I called the elevator, the new pres was in and was all cool with me going down again. but I had holstered my guns and had no weapons on me, rply they couldn't of known it was me. But when it opens I see the entire police and sru come out and they killed me.

Charges: Shooting Unarmed Rebel instead of arresting
Breaking RP
Not allowing after a raid for the raider to exit.

Evidence: Please read the logs
Read top for why I don't have Screenshots.

Apologies for my lack of information.

Messages In This Thread
Ban request - by GeneralSirens - 02-03-2014, 11:21 PM
RE: Ban request - by Freezak - 02-05-2014, 08:29 PM
RE: Ban request - by Fultz - 02-06-2014, 01:53 AM

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