Ban Req. on Shaggin and another one.
Player name: Shaggin and and Inpure "Grope" MacTavish .. and a sign i cant write.

SteamID (if possible): I forgot to look for them, will write that here when i got them.

Time in GMT: I think that was between 21 and 24 in GMT +1

Summary: First, i parked my car at pool, Shaggin and ... was there, whyever. So i parked my car on the road to pool, the radio station street, then i went into my car, one of them pressed many times e on the other car door, i drove away, one of them got a gun out and tried to shot at me, i got out of my car with my M4 and tried to kill them, but i got killed there.

Evidence: Uploaded them to Steamcloud, but they arent there, is there somewhere a folder where they are in?

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Ban Req. on Shaggin and another one. - by CaveSquirrel - 07-10-2011, 11:41 AM

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