What was the reason?
Your name:
Your ban ID:
Banned by:
[FL] Narcotic
FearRP, blatantly unacceptable atittude and behavior.
[FL:RP]Keito AkA Puddie!, ScreamingPanda
Why we should unban you:
I do not understand why I was banned here. I did not break fearRP at any point, I moved a little bit to avoid getting propkilled by ScreamingPanda (who was minging at that time), Narcotic didn't even bother to ask me why I moved. Then about the "behavior": I got mad at an officer (Keito) IC, I did not call him anything bannable. Since when is being mad at someone something that doesn't happen in real life? Sure, I understand the ban for words like "***" but calling someone an asshole or anything of the sort with a reason doesn't seem like "unaccaptable behavior". Admins, once more, talk to people before throwing out bans, or just let moderators like Zedsdead handle bans from now on, as they at least take the time to talk to people.

Messages In This Thread
What was the reason? - by Pringled - 02-01-2014, 07:06 PM
RE: What was the reason? - by Narc - 02-03-2014, 06:00 PM
RE: What was the reason? - by Pringled - 02-03-2014, 06:29 PM
RE: What was the reason? - by Narc - 02-04-2014, 01:41 PM

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