Goldie the Interactive Comic - Chapter 1: Just one more block!
(07-09-2011, 11:14 PM)Dryblood Wrote: > Skip inisde with glee :3

[Image: 13.png]

You decide to just hell with it and Skip inside with out a care. But you realize that you over skipped and there's a big hole in the floor and you trip, fall and hit your head

[Image: blackout.png]

Nighty Night

[Image: 14.png]

You wake up in a daze and feel the warmth of light and seems your in a blanket. You look around and looks like your in a cave of some sort but not the one you skipped in. You come to realize that your clothes are missing, wait no. its just on your head. Apparently you bashed your head open and someone helped the bleeding stop. Also it seems your Hat has now became a pillow. What should you do.
[Image: tumblr_oo89kx6Wfc1vvng74o8_r1_1280.png]

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RE: Goldie the Interactive Comic - Chapter 1: Just one more block! - by MikeyTheFox - 07-10-2011, 02:33 AM

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