Unban Request For Doctor_Who
Your name: Doctor_Who
Your ban ID: 43489
Banned by: spartanjunior31
Reason: Broke NLR 3 Times
Involved: a
Why we should unban you: I realize I broke NLR, but it was in the spirit of roleplay. I was a cop responding to a shootout I arrived, I was shot. When I respawned, my cop radio had a message saying "Need backup at tides hotel! Shots fired!" I then ran to the hotel, where I dyed again, and so the cycle went on. Also I noticed that the waiting time for NLR is very high. My suggestion would be to lower it to Two and a half minutes.
"Curiosity is the essence of human exsistence."-Gene Cernan, Apollo 17 Crew

"The power of space is to raise our aspirations to those things that are possible if we will commit."- Gene Kranz, NASA Flight Control

"Given the desire to do it, humans can accomplish almost anything." -Jim Lovell, Apollo 13

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Unban Request For Doctor_Who - by Buzz_Aldrin - 01-27-2014, 10:06 PM

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