Unban request by a donator who donated the same day he got banned
Your name: [FL:RP]G0ldenSlayer
Your ban ID: 43465
Banned by: [FL] spartanjunior31

Reason: Spamming mellons

Involved: Nobody, thats why i thought it woulded harm testing new keybinds.

Why we should unban you: I was away from everybody else, testing a new keybind i made, i belive it was something like bind mouse4 "menu_spawm xxxxpropnamexxx"
so i clicked the mouse4 button, nothing happend, i clicked it again, nothing happend, and again, this a total of 5 times, then they all spawned and i didn't saw that one comming, then i quily removed m all, then i got banned Sad this all while i donated this morning, i realy hope i get unbanned because i didn't ment to spam mellons.

I hope to hear from you soon,


Messages In This Thread
Unban request by a donator who donated the same day he got banned - by G0ldenSlayer - 01-25-2014, 06:05 PM

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