Unban Request chargrilledawesome
He may have been the main antagonist, but you were the one who took it out of proportion. You were the one to continue with it whenever I said stop. So the blacklist is valid and that is the end of that.

You can see cars from a large distance. It is not like it just popped up there if it was parked. And if you had to turn erratically to avoid a car that means you are go way to fast in the city and it resulted in you killing two people with your car. And you are right most people do get away with CDM. I personally dont ban people who CDM because if I were then I would ban just about everyone with a car. You however came full speed into the city and swerved onto the sidewalk and took out two people. I saw this with my own eyes. You can say it was lag all you want because if you are lagging or you know you get lag spikes, you should not be driving at full speeds inside highly populated areas.

This ban however is more focused on the disrespect I received from you and that is how it is going to stay because you did run over two people lagging or not so the CDM x 2 is valid. You did continue to fight with that kid on OOC even after I said stop and you did take it out of proportion. So that makes the blacklist from OOC valid. If you said I disagree with that blacklist and spell out what he was doing instead of attacking me maybe something else would of came of it. But you didnt you just were be a annoyance calling me names in the @ telling me I dont know what I am doing etc.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Unban Request chargrilledawesome - by Fultz - 01-21-2014, 10:31 PM
RE: Unban Request chargrilledawesome - by Fultz - 01-25-2014, 04:43 PM

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